Social Media Certification

In this collection, you will find the projects I worked on for a Social Media Certification

UA Flyer

In the multimedia production course, one of the assignments was to create a flyer for the School of Communication Advising Fair using Adobe InDesign

Social Media Calendar

Within the multimedia production course, we were tasked with devising a social media calendar for a company of our choosing.

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Introduction Video

The assignment for the multimedia production class was to create an introductory video for your website.

12 Photography Styles

Within the multimedia production course, one assignment entailed capturing 12 distinct photography styles commonly employed in production.

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This was a commercial assignment that was required for the multimedia production class, It was a commercial for the student's major.

Premiere Exercise

This video exercise was part of a multimedia class, teaching how to utilize Premiere.

How-to Video

Following the Premiere exercise, the subsequent assignment was to produce a concise instructional video

Photoshop GIF

Within the New Media Writing course, we were tasked with crafting a GIF using Photoshop.

Social Media Introduction

Within the New Media Writing course, we were required to produce an introductory video intended for posting on our social media page.

Social Media Report

The focus of the New Media Writing course encompassed social media management and writing. This assignment necessitated posting content, obtaining consent, and tracking analytics for social media accounts.

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Better Kenmore

Our final project in the advanced strategic social media class was the culmination of our semester-long efforts. Our focus was on enhancing the Kenmore community.

Social Media Mock Up 1

One of the assignments in the Advanced Strategic Social Media class was to design social media mock-ups for Better Kenmore. I chose to create three Instagram mock-ups.

Social Media Mock Up 2

Social Media Mock Up 3